Institutions and Incentives in Public Policy

eBook - An Analytical Assessment of Non-Market Decision-Making, Economy, Polity, and Society

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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781538160947
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 296 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2022
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Institutions and Incentives in Public Policy: An Analytical Assessment of Non-Market Decision-Making explores, both in theory and in practice, the consequences of using public policy as a tool to achieve specific individual and social goals, as well as its impact on private solutions to address such goals. The chapters examine the institutional incentives that operate in non-market settings, both governmental and non-governmental, using the theoretical frameworks of market process theory and public choice theory, they analyze a diverse set of contemporary public policy issues at both the domestic and international levels. Authored by individuals from a variety of disciplines with diverse interests in public policy, this work includes discussions of topics, such as foreign aid, education policy, environmental policy, health care policy, and the construction of private cities. This volume is relevant to scholars, students, policymakers, and knowledgeable citizens interested in the study of economics, political science, public policy, as well as those interested in particular policies rather than specific disciplines.


Rosolino Candelais a Senior Fellow of the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and a Program Director of Academic and Student Programs, both at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

Rosemarie Fikeis an Instructor of Economics at Texas Christian University and a Senior Fellow of the Fraser Institute.

Roberta Herzbergis a Distinguished Senior Fellow with the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.


Introduction by Rosolino A. Candela, Rosemarie Fike, and Roberta Herzberg

Part I: Education Policy

Chapter 1: Rise of a Centropoly: Good Intentions, Distorted Incentives, and the Cloaked Costs of Top-Down Reform in US Public Education by Martha Bradley-Dorsey

Chapter 2: Group Identity and Unintended Consequences of School Desegregation by Nathaniel Burke

Part II: Federal Policy

Chapter 3: Compensating the Innocent: Hayekian Considerations for Wrongful Conviction Compensation Statutes by Dora Duru

Chapter 4: Rent-Seeking in Medicaid Managed Care by Neil McCray

Chapter 5: Banking on the Masses: Mainstreaming Marginal Legal Entrepreneurship along with the Trappings of Transitional Gains, 1910 to 1940 by Thomas B. Storrs

Part III: International Policy

Chapter 6: Taking Time and Distinct Law Types Seriously: How the Effects of CSO Laws Vary by Type and Unfold over Time by Anthony J. DeMattee

Part IV: Public Governance

Chapter 7: A Tale of One City: Lavasa as a Coasian Prototype of a Private Urban Development by Vera Kichanova

Chapter 8: The Political Effects of a Polycentric Order in Nigeria by Ifeoluwa M. Olawole

Part V: Environmental Policy

Chapter 9: Environmental Justice, Incentives, and the Unknown: Knowledge Problems, Institutional Incentives, and Responses to Natural Disaster Scenarios by Emil Panzaru

Chapter 10: Unintended Consequences of a US Meat Tax by Alison Grant

Chapter 11: Institutional Differences in the Stewardship and Research Output of United States Herbaria by Alexis Garretson

Part VI: Technology Policy

Chapter 12: Introducing a Theory of Asset Specificity for Hacking Services by Karl Grindal

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