e-Learning in Medical Physics and Engineering

eBook - Building Educational Modules with Moodle, Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

77,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780429792816
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 130 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2020
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


The need for qualified specialists to work with and apply sophisticated technology in contemporary medicine is rapidly growing. Professional bodies predict that meeting the needs of healthcare globally will require almost tripling the number of Medical Physicists by 2035. Similar challenges exist in the constantly growing profession of Medical Engineering. They can be solved most efficiently and effectively with the tools of e-Learning, and a free and open-source Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) platform such as Moodle is a welcome solution.The Moodle VLE platform is a free, open source learning management system that is the most popular choice for higher educational institutions worldwide. However, the best practices of the Moodle system are still unknown to many. This practical guide provides educators, programme administrators, and programme directors with a condensed guide to Moodle and step-by-step instructions on how to create a single course or an entire educational programme. It also discusses cost-effective ways to apply e-Learning in an educational institution.This guide is accessible to all professionals, even those without specialist IT skills, and will be helpful to educators of all levels in Medical Physics and Engineering, as well as in other medical and medical-related specialties or disciplines with a strong imaging component.Features:Provides step-by-step instructions of how to build a course/module for Higher Education on MoodleGives practical solutions to implementing e-Learning in Medical Physics and EngineeringExplores useful tips and tricks for best practice

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